Fairing the Edge with Mark Pettegrow
The Honors College was pleased to host Mark Pettegrow, Distinguished Honors Graduate in fine arts from the class of 1981! Mr. Pettegrow gave a public talk Tuesday afternoon, Fairing the Edge: In Search of Eloquent Form. After the lecture, a small reception was held at the President’s House, where four pieces were on display.
Mr. Pettegrow stayed in the Honors Faculty Suite in Colvin Hall and was able to have breakfast with Honors students in 401 Colvin on Wednesday, just steps from the suite. Breakfast with Mr. Pettegrow was an enjoyable event, discussing a wide range of topics from personal artistic experience to current events. We invite students to attend future breakfast events, as it truly is a unique opportunity to ask questions and understand the motives behind unique and exciting professional work.
The Honors 180 class was also invited to a special event at the President’s house, where Mr. Pettegrow discussed his pieces and explained his personal journey through the arts as a student and a professional artist.
The Honors College is immensely grateful to graduates like Mark Pettegrow, as they return to broaden horizons, provide meaningful insight into the world after college, and facilitate discussion about topics of intellectual and emotional value.