Honors Goes to Phoenix

Sixteen students, five faculty members, and five Honors College staff members attended the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) conference held in Phoenix, Arizona from October 19 – 23. Students, faculty, and staff members participated in general sessions, roundtable discussions, and poster sessions as well as making time for forays into Phoenix and hiking in Sedona. We are also proud to announce that the Honors College publication MINERVA won yet another accolade receiving 2nd place prize in the newsletter/magazine competition.

A Highlight of Some of the University of Maine Presentations:

Collegial Colliding Worlds (A General Session)

Dean Slavin joined Mark Haggerty (Rezendes Preceptor for Civic Engagement), Mimi Killinger (Rezendes Preceptor for the Arts), and our new faculty members: Rob Glover (CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Political Science), Justin Martin (CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Journalism), Jordan LaBouff (CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Psychology) and Sarah Harlan-Haughey (CLAS-Honors Preceptor of English) to talk about the hiring process and new preceptorships.

Inclusivity: All Under One Roof (A General Session)

Students Hannah Hudson and Elizabeth Kevit presented on how themes of inclusivity relate to honors residential life.

What Does Plato Have to Say About Poverty: Honors and Social Justice (A Roundtable Discussion)

Students Nicole Begley, Andrea Flannery, Christine Gilbert, and Erica Hidu joined faculty member Melissa Ladenheim in a roundtable discussion on what role honors has in the pursuit of social justice.

Dynamic & Diverse Discussion in Honors (A General Session)

Students Paige Eggleston and Molly Flanagan joined faculty members Mark Haggerty and Mimi Killinger in a general session presenting ways to better facilitate discussion in a classroom environment.

Great Works: Creating an Honors College Book Exchange Program (A General Session)

Students Samantha Paradis and Keri West presented on their pilot plan to set up a book donation program for Honors students in need.

Unifying Western and Traditional Medicine: Ethics, Implications, and Solutions to a Cultural Crisis

Students Karin Baard, Morgan Brockington, and Kalie Hess formed a roundtable discussion on anthropological implications of a globalized world and the collision of culture and medicine in regards to the ethics of healthcare systems.


A special thanks to Betsy and Bill Leitch who made the trip possible with their generous support.

Also check out the article by Beth Kevit in the Maine Campus: Dispatch from the desert.