Feature Friday: Ethan Mathieu ’21
The Honors College’s Feature Friday series highlights an Honors student every Friday and shares a little bit about their experiences in Honors and at the University of Maine.
This week, our feature is on Ethan Mathieu. Ethan is a fourth-year secondary education major from Sanford, Maine.
Ethan’s favorite thing about Honors is “all of the cultural experiences from HON 180 [he] would have otherwise missed out on (particularly the trip to the Penobscot Theatre Company)!”
His favorite Honors text is the Tao te Ching. “This was my favorite Honors text during my first semester at UMaine and it really set the tone for the rest of my Honors experience!” described Ethan.
Ethan appreciates the abundance of local events on and around the UMaine campus. He said, “There’s always something going on at UMaine (whether it’s a concert on the mall or a Stillwater River cleanup). I especially love all the volunteering opportunities there are on campus!”
Ethan is currently working on his Honors thesis project, advised by Professor Tammy Mills. “My thesis entails the analysis of poetry from the University of Maine’s pre-service teachers from our own multicultural education course for evidence of the development of a socio-cultural consciousness.
This analysis serves to either support or contradict the findings from a literature review on related research, as well as to provide support for more comprehensive multicultural education in teacher education programs,” described Ethan.