Trevor McMorris Tate
Title: Adjunct Lecturer (Honors)
Education: Ph.D. (Queen’s)
Biography: Trevor McMorris Tate grew up in the Caribbean and is a Canadian citizen. He completed undergraduate studies at the University of the West Indies and post-graduate work at the University of Manitoba and Queen’s University (Ontario), where he received his Ph.D. in International Studies. He has taught at universities in British Columbia, Washington State and, more recently, New Brunswick. Dr. Tate’s scholarship has appeared in the Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, among others. His current research focuses on international norms and the bases for sustained cooperative games in anarchic systems, and on the girl child. He is a past-president of the UNA-USA/UN Foundation (Greater Seattle), and has collaborated with a variety of civil-society organizations.
Honors Courses: HON 211
Why do you teach in Honors? It is the ideal environment in which to foster mutual inquiry, learning communities–and to nourish the life of the mind.