Health Campaign Plan: Increasing Familial Conversations About Organ Donation
Olivia Vibert
Name Change:
Graduation Year:
Thesis Advisor:
Claire Sullivan
Description of Publication:
Organ transplantation is a medical practice dates back to the 1920s and has led to tens of thousands of lives being saved. Currently, there is a massive shortage of organs suitable for donation in the United States with more than 114,000 men, women, and children on the organ waiting list, with less than 20,000 registered donors (Department of Health and Human Services, 2019). This paper covers the history of organ donation, where the issue of the lack of organs currently stands, and the role communication plays in carrying out one’s choice to donate. Understanding these factors has led to a health campaign plan based on a template created by George Washington University. The goal of the plan is to aid in increasing formal conversation between young adults and their next of kin about organ donation choices and the decision making process, so that the next of kin will be more likely to make the choice consistent with the young adults’ decisions concerning their organs.
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