Announcing the Winners of the 2020 Honors College Talent Show Competition
The votes have been tallied up — and the winners of the 2020 Honors College Talent Show competition have been chosen! Of our fifteen fantastic participants, these are the five whose entries received the most votes from the UMaine community:
- 1st place: Allison Ogle
- 2nd place: Tamra Benson
- 3rd place: Evelyn Zumwalt
- 4th place: Vinh-Nhan Ngo
- 5th place: Anna Briley
Congratulations to our winners, and a big thank you to all of the students who participated in the competition!
Though voting has closed and the winners have been chosen, the entries are still up for viewing for anyone who may have missed them. Click here to view all fifteen of our students’ entries!